~Zhu Hao ran~

NAME:Zhu Hao ran

English Name: Robby

SEX: Male

BIRTHDATE:January 15, 1996

BIRTH PLACE:Niu Jia Wan Village



ACADEMIC STATUS: Grade One in middle school - as of Fall 2009


His father's name was Zhu Shui qiang. His mother's name was Zhao Zi mei. On December 16, 2002 his parents were farmers and sold small things for extra income. One early dark morning they were driving a three wheeled truck when they hit a ditch and the truck overturned killing them both.

He lived in a lovely house with his grandparents, uncle, aunt and their daughter when he was in the countryside.

When we found the little boy he was living with his mother's mother and father but his father's father (his other grandpa) was very old and very sick so his eleven year old sister lived with him to cook for and take care of him. Her name was Zhu Yan yan. His grandma was 63 and his grandfather was 72. They had three sons and were living with their middle son. This family had a lot of supplies. Their income came mostly from farming and selling small things. The uncle told us he was really happy to take care of this little boy by giving him a place to live, food and clothes but his greatest concern was that he could not provide much education for the child who was extremely intelligent. He was not only intelligent, but talented and had a lovely personality. His school work was remarkable. He really should have a better chance for a better opportunity to achieve his potential.


Today Zhu Hao ran is a bright light in our home for everyone. He is very open, friendly, active and has good common sense. He also possesses a good sense of humor and he is very compassionate. He is an avid reader and he loves all kinds of sports. Hao ran has a strong peronality and he is a wonderfully positive influence on others; he always makes good chioces and makes wise decisions. Perhaps he will become a great leader someday.
