~Wang Cong kai~

NAME: Wang Cong kai

English Name: Kyle

SEX: Male

BIRTHDATE: Nov 28, 1998



ACADEMIC STATUS: Grade five in primary school - As of fall of 2009


We first met Wang Cong kai in 2005 but his grandma was living and wanted to care for him. Since she died we were contacted and went to see him in June of 2008. His father, Wang Xi Po and mother,Qin Hua feng both died from fumes from heating their home on April 26, 2000. His grandpa died around 1997 or 1998. After Cong kai's parents died his grandma (Zhang Niu) took care of him until 2008 when she was diagnosed to have lung cancer. She stayed in the hospital for a while and was brought back home and died 20 days later.

This little boy has two aunts. Neither of them wanted to take care of him although both of them live in Xinmi. Cong Kai also has a sister, Wang Xiao Kai, who didn't get to finish middle school; she was working in another city but she has never called and cared about this little boy.

When we visited him in the countryside he was staying with his neighbor. He seems to be a good little student with a math score of 95% and his Chinese 86% He said he ranked #4 among 30 students in his class. He seemed to be a very lovely, open and honest boy. He didn't hide his feelings at all.

Wang Cong kai is a very intelligent boy and his schoolwork has always been excellent. Cong kai used to be very shy and not sure of anything around himself. He was often seen playing by himself and not interacting with other children. But today we have seen great changes. He appears to be so vibrant, excited. He loves to play with toys. Sometimes he takes apart his toys and remodels them and sometimes he assembles his own toys. He is really a lovely sweet child.