~Qian Yong le~

NAME: Qian Yong le

English Name: John

SEX: Male

BIRTHDATE: October 31, 2005



ACADEMIC STATUS: Grade Two - as of Spring 2014


At the time of coming to our home: This little boy's parents always had problems and loudly argued a lot. They finally got divorced and this boy's mother left them about 3 years ago. The village leader and this little boy's aunt both told us that neither the father nor the mother is very clever. Sometimes the boy's mother didn't talk coherently. After the divorce family members all tried to convince the father to wor k hard and take care of the little boy but instead the father got very upset and he left the family. Since then he had never came back. He just disappeared all these years. The little boy's mother had never visited him either. This was three years ago. People guess that she found another husband and formed another family.

The little boy's grandmother has suffered pain in her legs for about 20 years and she has been on medicine which messed up her stomach and kidney. She also has diabetes. During the year of 2013 his grandma had been hospitalized 7 times to be treated. The grandfather was also in poor health according to what the aunt reported. A few years ago he had an accident which injured his leg and as a result he couldn't walk properly, so both of these grandparents were actually crippled.


Before we met this little boy, the teacher warned us that he didn't talk much. Actually he felt the child extremely introverted and shy. Indeed this is true about Yong le, only after much time did he quietly move his lips to reply. He was almost docile, quiet, cooperative without any resistance.

The morning we went to the countryside, Jane was told that this little boy we would meet needed much love and that he was a rough diamond. Upon meeting him it was so apparent that he needed much love and time. The school teacher felt Yong le was damaged as a result of his dysfunctional homelife.
