Fu Ying li

NAME: Fu Ying li

English Name: Lisa

SEX: Female

BIRTHDATE: March 28, 1993


July 2005


As of Fall of 2009 she is studying in Grade 3 in a special Middle School. She is very excellent in all her subjects and has always been a top student.

Family Background:

Her father's name was Fu Qun cang and her mother's name was Li Jian ming. Her mother died of heart disease four years before she came to our home and two years after her mother's death her father also died of a disease

Fu Ying li's grandma was very crippled. Her grandfather died many years ago. This little girl had one uncle who lived close by who had two sons and one daughter of his own. She also had three aunts. Two were close by and one was in the city of Xinmi. The problem in the countryside is that they are all too poor to help.

Fu Ying li is a lovely young girl who really excels in whatever she does. She is an excellent student scoring at the top of her class. Her teacher says she is very smart, curious, hardworking, and able to overcome. She is an excellent leader with wonderful open personality. She is also very athletic and very active in the school activities. Fu Ying li is always quick to help others. She has good manners and a loving personality.